A-Camp Branding
A-Camp is a transformational week-long event attended by queer women and trans people from all over the world. We’ve hosted 11 events, chock full of tailored programming like panels, crafts and meetups, and amazing night time entertainment featuring celesbians like Roxane Gay, Mara Wilson and Gaby Dunn.
Since joining the Autostraddle team, I’ve developed and designed the event branding for five camps, including the look and feel of the website, activity program, signage, swag, digital ads, and marketing. I was also in charge of bringing in sponsors to donate to our swag bags, and host exciting activities like the season finale of Gentleman Jack for HBO, or the survival workshop, tent giveaway and campfire mixer for REI.

A-Camp 11: A-Camp High
A-Camp High was born during a slow dance in a noisy bar with a friend from camp. As we swayed side to side on the empty dance floor, we arrived at the insight that queer millennials didn’t have quintessential high school experiences. We spent our formative years wishing we could go slow dance with our hot date at the prom and be the complete person that we eventually learned to be. A-Camp High was a chance for a redo — and aesthetically, was an incredibly fun creative solution to bring camp to life.

A-Camp 10: Under the Sea
A-Camp themes are often, in fact, end of camp dance themes that become the basis for the vibe we’re trying to create on that specific year. This year was 2018. We were halfway through the Trump administration and queer people everywhere just needed a balm, a chance to be weightless, to feel surrounded by colorful and beautiful creatures and dive deep into some carefree, happy part of their psyche. I joined creative forces with Robin Roemer and translated this vision into a fun, fanciful series of visuals borrowing from the Memphis Group, with a strong glow of vintage California. I also art directed the design of the logo by Shelby Rodeffer and map design by Isabella Rotman.